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Resources for Community Host Partners

Welcome Community Partners

Community-based organizations are an integral part of the College Corps program. They work directly with the College Corps program at UC Merced to put Fellows to work solving problems in the community.

Supervisors at each Host Site serve as a mentor, providing guidance and leadership to ensure Fellows are creating meaningful projects amongst the communities while targeting the three main goals of College Corps

  • Create a generation of civic-minded leaders with the ability to bridge divided and solve
  • Help low to moderate income students graduate college on time and with less debt
  • Address societal challenges and help build more equitable communities across California

Site Supervisors Resources

Monthly Newsletters


Fellow Resources

California Volunteers Resources

Contact Information

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Danielle Parga

Public Service Program Specialist

Book a 1:1 with Danielle

Office Hours: Friday 1-2pm: Zoom Link

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Alondra Alvarez

Program Manager

Book a 1:1 with Alondra

Office Hours: Wednesday 1-3pm: Zoom Link