April 21, 2023 - 9:00am to 1:00pm
Looking for an Earth Day service event? In collaboration with the Bright Success Center, the Community Engagement Center invites UC Merced students, staff and faculty to plant trees and beautify Lake Yosemite in honor of Earth Day. This volunteer opportunity will qualify for CatLife and CollegeCorps direct service hours. Some of the responsibilities for the volunteers will include picking up litter and planting trees.
Details of the event:
This event will take place on Friday, April 21st from 9am - 1pm at Yosemite Lake. There will be 3 shifts available that you can choose from:
9 - 11 AM
11 AM - 1 PM
All Day: 9 AM - 1PM
For any other questions or concerns about this opportunity contact the Community Engagement Center through our website communityservice@ucmerced.edu or via our Instagram @ucmercedcec.
Register today! Registration is limited to 40 individuals.
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