For this year's AmeriCorps Spring Project at UC Merced, our 2021-2022 Fellows are organizing a food drive! We will be accepting lightly used plastic bags and non-perishable food donations that will benefit the Merced County Food Bank. We will need the help of volunteers to make this event a success - registration is now live at the bottom of this page!
Stages of the Food Drive
- Plastic Bag Donations (March 21st - April 1st)
- Canvassing - Volunteers will drop off plastic bags and instructions to identified neighborhoods. (April 10th - 12th)
- Donation Pick-Up - Volunteers will pick up the donated items from the identified neighborhoods using wagons. (April 15th)
- Merced County Food Bank Donation Drop-Off (April 15th)
Plastic Bag Donations
Staff, Faculty, & Students are invited...
To participate in this event that will benefit the Merced County Food Bank by donating grocery plastic bags! These plastic bags will be used to collect donated items from identified neighborhoods.
Drop off Dates:
Monday, March 21st - Friday, April 1st
Community Engagement Center (KL 190)
Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm
To our Community Members:
If you would like to donate any items, we ask that you please put them in the bag that we have provided you with (attached with the flyer) and that you leave the bag outside your front door. All donations will be picked up throughout the day on April 15.
Suggested Items:
Cereal, peanut butter, canned tuna/meat, canned vegetables, pasta/ pasta sauce
Thank you for your generosity!
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Volunteers Needed!
Dropping off bags & instruction flyers
- Sunday, April 10 at 11am - 1pm
- Monday, April 11 at 4pm - 6pm
- Tuesday, April 12 at 4pm - 6pm
Pick up donation shifts:
Friday, April 15 all day
- 10 am - Noon
- Noon - 2pm
- 2pm - 4pm
(We will drop off food at Food Bank between 3:30pm - 4:30pm)
Click HERE to register if the form above is not working.