UC Merced Volunteer Sign-Up
Every year, The Golden Valley High Cardinal Regime hosts the Central California Band Review (CCBR) which is the second-longest-running band review in California's history! This year, the event is happening at Golden Valley High School on Saturday, November 12.
Hosting individuals from different places in Central California provides a unique opportunity for the UC Merced community to outreach and connect with families and future students. In partnership with External Relations, the Community Engagement Center is looking for 9 UC Merced student volunteers to do outreach to attendees of the CCBR while overseeing MOBI - our Mobile Makers Lab.
Each volunteer can participate in one or more of the 2-hour shifts offered below:
- 9 AM - 11 AM
- 11 AM - 1 PM
- 1 - 4 PM
Volunteers are expected to arrive to their shift at least 15 minutes before the start of their assigned shift. The location of the event is: 2121 E. Childs Avenue, Merced, CA.
Volunteers will receive reimbursement for LYFT or Uber used to arrive to their volunteer shift - must keep their receipt and have proof of attendance. If you have any question please email Andrea Tafolla at atafolla@ucmerced.edu.
Click HERE to register if the form above is not working.